How can I help?
Stories that Invite. Ideas that Transform.
My keynotes pierce the veneer and stay in people's thoughts and hearts well beyond the stage. I serve founders, executive teams, staffs from 50 - 500, and trade groups in the thousands.
My talks help teams envision how to create high-performance cultures, where individuals are motivated to own their work, get better at their jobs every day, and foster an environment where teammates do their best work.
Training and coaching
Become the Kind of Person Who Does Hard Things
Most athletes understand the benefits of choosing to get uncomfortable. They do hard things to get stronger. But what do you do when you worship comfort at the cost of your dreams? You become its' slave.
Men & Women Of Discomfort (MWOD) is a proven method to interrupt the excuses. Get your body back. Your discipline, too. Remind yourself what you're capable of. Become the kind of person that doesn't miss workouts, eats great, increases mobility, plays hard with their kids, and runs, unafraid, toward the storms of life.
Graduates regularly drop 20-40 lbs of fat in 90 days, gain 10-15 lbs of lean muscle mass, get off of blood-pressure medication, decrease their visceral fat, increase their bone density, eliminate their dependency on alcohol, and radically improve the quality and duration of their lives. They also show up for the people that matter most.
Consider MWOD. It's not for everyone. But it might just be for you.
Strong & Awake: The Unlikely Path Podcast.
Everybody craves ease, convenience, and comfort. Humans are wired for it. But when our lives revolve around comfort, it leaves us weak and asleep. This podcast is an invitation to flip the script on comfort, to get the life you want through voluntary discomfort. This is Strong & Awake, a Men & Women Of Discomfort Production.
Converge: The Business of Creativity Podcast.
As host of Converge, I talk with remarkable guests who thrive in the tension between the businesses they've built and the creativity and relationships that got them there. Guests include Gretchen Rubin, Greg McKeown, Donald Miller, Seth Godin, Josh Muccio, Zach King, Erwin McManus, Todd Henry, Chris Guillebeau, Jeremy Cowart, Jeff Goins, Michael Hyatt, Ann Handley, Brad Montague, Chase Reeves, Sarah Greene Carmichael, Scott Stratten, Josh Kaufman & Ryan Holiday.
I'm Dane Sanders & I've created a framework to help anyone become strong and resilient, especially when circumstances feel out of control. This hard reset maximizes personal agency and meaning in life. It helps people move beyond survival to consistent flourishing.
I serve as Vice President for Employee Development at Common Thread Collective and am co-founder of Men & Women Of Discomfort.
My training and practice are in business, leadership, and character formation. I work regularly with individuals and their teams as a speaker, trainer, and coach. If you're looking for help for you or your people, I'd love to connect.
Kind Words
... From trustworthy people
Seth Godin
Entrepreneur and Author
On Dane's Writing
"Dane Sanders has given you a priceless gift. If you are a photographer, I beg you to buy Dane's book, which has such useful advice on how to make a living in world where everyone has a camera."
Ann Handley
On Dane's Speaking
"Dane has a great & comfortable stage presence combined with introspection & depth. He's more like your favorite teacher than a business speaker, because he has unique passion, energy & clarity of mind."
Lisa Hladish
On Dane's Coaching
"Hiring Dane was one of the best decisions I've made for our company. He provides the tools I need to be an effective leader - even our team culture has shifted. His emotional intelligence is exceptional & his guidance insightful."
Richard Bolles
Author of What Color Is Your Parachute
On Dane's Writing
"All people trying to choose a career could profit from Dane's elaborate working out of the idea that what you choose to do in life should flow first from who you are and from the detailed way he shows you how."
Featured IN
... Brands i've worked with
Films & Keynotes
The Magic of CrossFit
A Short Film by Ali Samieivafa
How To Solve The Freelancer Problem
Engaging Summits
Good Balance and Un-Balance
The Photo Report with Braedon Flynn
Next Leveling Your Business
Connecting Things Southern California
Put the creative back into your creativity.
Seth Godin describes Fast Track as "a priceless gift… offering advice on how to make a living in world where everyone has a camera."
Every great business begins with a great owner. That's why running a phenomenal photography business is less about the craft and more about the creative. FTP explains how to become that owner.
Build your business from the ground up.
Once you've figured out who you are as a photographer, you need to decide where you're going. That's what this unorthodox business planning book is all about. Business Plan is written specifically to complement Fast Track Photographer.
Fast Track Photographer and The Fast Track Photographer Business Plan are available wherever fine books are sold.
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